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Monkey, wait for them to want him to shreds. Obviously, this is what I wanted to master Sheng. This horror! To see black old man, the ancient Yan surface sè of slightly change sè. From each other, he felt one extremely dangerous atmosphere, the atmosphere is decidedly not weaker than Huiyi old! Not just the name of black old man, there is another one and its age is similar to the old man of the slightly tall stature of the black, is also the presence of a very terrible! Looked at the two men, the ancient Yan heart suddenly a beat. Thinking, Huiyi old man can not resist, do not know if the two hands! Off to one jimmy choo sandals side, had wanted the opening of the golden monkey shouting a few words, is the same changed change sè, tightly closed his mouth. The two of you! jimmy choo shoes Five people appeared, making Huiyi old face indifference more Duoliaoyifen. Only his eyes just stay in the two black old man who. Turned out to be the black lotus family! At the moment, the ancient inflammation jimmy choo sale transmission will look at the two old man behind the three men. One, to identify their identity! How jimmy choo outlet is a family of black lotus! Looked at the three men, ancient inflammation heart sank. Soon, once again his eyes fell on the two black old man who. Heart, steep emergence of a the trace of incredible sè. Because these two black old man who exudes atmosphere, almost the same idea for the children of the family and the black lotus! Do black lotus family semi-holy strong come in yet? Ancient inflammation guess. No! But soon, the ancient inflammation rejected this idea. Because his two old man who did not feel the slightest breath of life. Obviously, they also is still different hún! This moment, a big question mark, a steep rise in my ancient inflammation heart! ...... ...... ......! . Chapter 806 deaths knife St.   Killer the organization Chapter 806 deaths knife St. Ancient inflammation question is: Why there will be black the different hún of the lotus family? This cemetery is not ancient times it? The presence of the different hún not all live a million years? The black lotus family only existed for less than five years? Why the black lotus families have the strong presence of being in this cemetery? And also became a ancient exclusive hún? Could it be ...... Suddenly, the ancient the inflammation mind flashed the idea of ​​an even he could feel the horror. That is, does the black lotus Patriarch has long been known on the tomb to exist? Then look at the semi-holy strong black lotus family dead buried in there? They also said that these semi-holy strong Millennium deadline to own came running in, and then waiting for death, this ancient jimmy shoes different hún want to be? ! It just may be! Very recognized what they think of this the ancient jimmy sandals Yan squeezed fist. Otherwise, the strong black lotus family, how will appear here? And still more ancient to different hún identity? What does this mean? Cold voice sounded from the mouth of the Grey old man, with a kind of chill meaning, toward the two black old man. What do you mean? Slightly skinny old man smiled coldly: no meaning, just want to jimmy choo boots let these two kid left you how far to roll far! Arrogant! TXT text cutter 2.30 National Day Special Edition of Gold Eagle, supported by the coffee College. Coffee College the · coffee novel network, a cup of coffee, reading life, good-looking novel, Hand novel, full-text novels, TXT novel download, coffee College, mobile reading
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Ancient Yan smile, shaking his head, then to the side of the seat, and sat up. Old man in black cheeky surprised, again and again changing Stern said: I never thought you could be so minded large, decrepit deeply ashamed that case, the decrepit will accept this knife, you open condition is if decrepit some , certainly not stingy half points. the should decrepit afford you open conditions, decrepit must not take this Shendao! He was still speaking, a surge of destruction divine released from his sleeves, wrapped TV drama destruction the Shen Dao floating in mid-air, and he came to the side of the top of the seat, and sat down. This really is not simple, the the divine purity obvious watered. Ancient Yan eyes shimmering sweeps that wrapped the destruction Shendao the destruction of divine mind a bit surprised. Even if mixed with water, the environment of God than ordinary Wong nine of the strong order ten times. In other words, this old man is definitely one of seven male hunters, but by no means unusual seven male hunters! Similarly, the heart of the mysterious old nike free shoes man in black at the moment is extremely shock. Indeed not the original purity of divine his release, but also Kankan reached the standard of seven male hunters. However, nike free run in his observation, the ancient Yan looking but very calm, seems simply did not care in general. This young man is not simple! His heart is also true concluded. I do not know if you want to exchange the equivalent imperial artifact, or need to day currency? Right now my heart after the shock, black mysterious old man asked reasonable manner. To the currency of the day, I do not lack the ancient Yan shook his head smile, look easy. Although to day currency is a good thing, but he is indeed very short. That you want to imperial artifact?'m Very sorry, there is no equivalent decrepit Vulcan Wong artifact weapons. Listen to the words of the old man in black, looking slightly changed, and rather reluctantly shook nike free run+ 2 his head. I said to the weapons it? The ancient Yan smiled again. That is? Black old man did not understand. Now I only lack the pinnacle of God wing Wong artifact ancient inflammatory fundus reveals a hint of bright, lightly. Wings classes Wong artifact? Black old man slightly hesitated, and then acted in a self, a pair of red inflammation wings had already nike free run sale appeared, exudes the pinnacle of imperial artifact level has been volatile, but compared to Black Shendao, but it is the poor too much. Decrepit so a pair of running shoes Vulcan Department wings, but you that Shendao gap is too large. Ancient inflammation did not wait to speak, the old man in black had already sigh and shook his head, never thought to this wings on the exchange obtain the destruction Shendao. I do not know this thing can give the next concept on a concept? Ancient Yan did not care to smile, but set his sights on a pair of red inflammation wings. Naturally. Black old man naturally does not have the slightest hesitation, handed out the hands of a bunch of red inflammation wings. Ancient Yan took the can clearly feel the the red inflammation wings behind Vulcan Department of Energy, it is estimated to have a value of at most five hundred to days $ succeed, and are hung destruction Shendao a difference of more than one level. This thing, I want to. However, the next moment, he is to hand over the pages, put the red inflammation wings into the Godhead within Chapter 1233 employment   Volume II Chapter 1233 of the killers employment What are you ... ancient Yan held TXT text cutter 2.30 National Day Special Edition of Gold Eagle, supported by the coffee College. Coffee College the · coffee nikr running novel network, a cup of coffee, reading life, good-looking novel, Hand novel, full-text novels, TXT novel download, coffee College, mobile reading
Among the four, that the first pairwise divine perfect blend of mad roar out of words. Shortly afterward, the outbreak of the terrible power in his hands. Similarly, the other three powers. Boom! In the wave of terror in the hands of four bloom at the same time their strongest force turned into four to destroy the Dragon. Directly in front of the ancient Yan nike free run uk greeted away. Trillion of the moment, had torn the nike free run spirit world is vanity and came off high in front of the ancient inflammation. That the forces of terror, attracted over thunderbolt power of tens of millions of years, the first great fury. That range, has reached a trillion miles! Horrible picture, enough to make any one domain master alarmed, unable to resist! A long long time. This movement to restore calm. At the moment, triggered at the core of this movement. Has four looked extremely embarrassed, breathing heavily. Cheeky fear of the color of the shadows. They float in the air, all gazed at the nike running shoes front of the smoke billowing from the depths of the fundus are the meaning of a trace of a trace of hope. Pieces? With the smoke dispersed, that piece of space already nike free run+ 3 no figure, one of them could not help asked himself, the other three you look at me, I look at you. Subsequently, the four back laughing. Puchi! The next moment, the sound of their laughter was an abrupt end. Because the head of the two of them. It actually two quintana Scarlet scales, cloth, looks extremely terror gripper to life and pinch burst. Another two widened his eyes, the crazy laughing faces instant solidification, and then turned into dismay and despair! Xiu Xiu! Of course. Simply not waiting for the two men said the move, some words, the two slightly unreal white Jianmang across the sky, and ripped from their eyebrows at a swift pace speed. Click click! Vaguely between two glass Zala to the ground like broken sound. So that the two look dull, nikr running Double Vision lax huge breath of life down the Vacancy. Like the first two generally dispersed all around the surface will and divine. Then, so this high-altitude fall down, hit in the bottom of the white above the earth, no longer the slightest movement. Fifteen times ...... Gu Yan was rather deep voice sounded. And at the moment, he is already incarnation became a form of blood Spirit of God. With four dead, this state nike free run+ 2 slowly dispersed. However, his breath is still strong, did not cast Blood Spirit of God form the side effects of the slightest impact. Perhaps only because of the blood of the Spirit of God morphology of the moment, or is it due to the strength of will to achieve a high degree of sake. There may even be due to the enhancement of the soul, so that was the strength of that side effects is reduced to the extreme, nearly seems to negligible proportions! Regardless of what point, at this moment the ancient inflammation, much nike free shoes stronger than before too. Moreover, this becomes strong is not stopped! After the cut kill six people, the ancient Yan did not go to uncover six people to have days coins, artifacts, stone godhead. But quiet down, eyes closed, and mind immersed in the level of increase of the soul, the refining that moment 'the king of soul beads'. This text TXT cutter 2.30 National Day Special Edition of Gold Eagle, supported by the coffee College. Coffee College the · coffee novel network, a cup of coffee, reading life, good-looking novel, Hand novel, full-text novels, TXT novel download, coffee College, mobile reading
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Must be my wife, like you such a pretty woman, if put into the arms of others, small bad I'm not living death? Since not live in pain every day, I might as well destroy you, so heart but quiet! Are you - are you shit logic? World you so unreasonable man? Street beauty, if they are spotted, they have to marry you? If you are jordans for sale not, put them a ruin? Think of the Greek bad even overbearing to the point where a direct threat to her to be his wife? Willow fluttering stared at the body of the unprepossessing young, angry almost stormed almost weighs passed! But she absolutely did not expect Greek small bad brats, even grinning point nod, to lend a little hand, gently ** her delicate cheeks, arrogant, audacity said: Hey - air jordan 11 can cheap air jordan not think, not yet go to bed, my wife know so much about me? this world, those who saw cheap jordans the woman of your husband, in addition to marry me, really do not have a second choice! Chapter 420 of the insatiable Who is your wife? Smug you! Also, you do not like a rogue, the pressure in people above, go away Yeah! Think of the Greek bad even directly called his wife, Liu fluttering can not help but surprise, the two of them, or just lovers of life and death, when the relationship becomes so intimate? Moreover, the Greek small bad also been pressure on her, made her unparalleled. H-u-n mixed * h-u-n Keep in mind that I read Thought of this, she immediately frowned a Chenma. However, she was sweet, secretly proud Greek small bad beside the beautiful clouds, Wu Jiali, Xiao cheap nike air jordan Yao children, Su Xiaoya, who Yan sister, their good looks, she is not in her under Greek small bad does not seem to be called their wife, so she was very angry on the surface, and my heart is still a little excited! What? Willing to be my wife? Okay, What is done can not be undone! The young master put you down again, to see if you would also like to do not want to - To know Liu fluttering begin serving soft, Greek small bad insatiable Now, sitting beside her wearing tight authentic air jordans jeans simply solution. Do not do! Do not - you do not so good? We are not saying negotiations - See the Greek small bad and want to force into submission, Liu fluttering really a bit anxious, immediately cried, her Greek small bad release mysterious force under control, simply can not move, can not be struggling, only any of his mercy. Greek small bad did not listen to her, regardless of her exclamatory an unlock buttons of her jeans, hands, grasp air jordan outlet immediately pants collar, peeling down, and all of a sudden, her jeans were Greek small bad stripping to below the knee, followed by the Greek bad eyes staring at her slight bulge in the belly, his hands once again seize the wool pants she wore on the inside, **, together stripped down - Oh - do not - they promised is not enough - Seeing that they will be gone, all white belly exposed, even the body ** must show ** Greek bad in front of Liu fluttering scared to scream both grievance and resentment tears TXT text cutter 2.30 National Day Special Edition of Gold Eagle, supported by the coffee College. Coffee College the · coffee novel network, a cup of coffee, reading life, good-looking novel, Hand novel, full-text novels, TXT novel download, coffee College, mobile reading
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